Conquiztador Killer (also known as CQKiler) was a program that used Flash (.flv) hacking to decrypt the answers at the online computer game
and deliver them to you using a fast, friendly interface. If specified, it can immediately replace the field with the correct answers,
thereby guarranteing a succesful session with the least of effort. Just download and enjoy !
CQKiller 2.5 is a new version created over the deprecated 2.0 by the Romanian Security Team. It is hosted by Kestor Foundation, and is only
available to select members. Acces is granted only with the authorization of a high-ranked official affiliated with kw3rln's "Drunked Cult"
or Cultul Betivilor, as noted in the Romanian language.
How do I use this ?
A : Read the included Read-Me.
Are there any dangers ?
A : You can be caught in certain circumstances, yes. Try playing on . The romanian staff sleeps on duty so you can do what the fuck you want.
Is this free ?
A: Theoretically, yes.
I want proof.
A: There's a video hosted up at Romanian Security Team somewhere.
And ho--
A: Stop reading this and download alredy !
HEY ! The fucking shit's actually a....
Send a mail to,
Type here what you like/don't like about the program (keep insults to a maximum, please.)
Please type username and password to continue. Don't find the submit button ? I don't care.
And finally, a question for the intelligent...
... a very hard intelligence test that deems you worthy of downloading the great program, that separates a cheater from a hacker.
Ahem... Who is, indubitably, the most powerful person in the universe, the one who shelters you from the American Dream,
The one who saves you from utter stupidy, to whom you pledge service and faithfulness, and to whom you own everything you have, including your life ?